Technical Training Programme for
- Participatory (Group Discussions, Games, Case Studies)
- Experiential (Film-based sessions, group activities)
- Cognitive (sessions using Psychology, Philosophy, Neuroscience & Popular Culture
- Managers and Staff
- 2 Days
Quality Circle Course Content
- Brainstorming
- Pareto Analysis
- Cause and effect diagram
- Histogram
- Scatter diagram
- Stratification
- Check Sheet
- Control charts and graphs
- Relations Diagram
- Affinity diagram
- Systematic diagram of Tree diagram
- Matrix Diagram
- Matrix data analysis diagram
- PDPC (Process Decision Program chart )
- Arrow Diagram
- Promote job involvement
- Create Problem solving capability
- Improve Communication
- Promote Leadership qualities
- Promote Personal Development
- Develop a greater awareness for cleanliness
- Develop greater awareness for safety
- Improve morale through closer identity if employee objectives with organizations objective
- Reduce errors
- Enhance quality
- Inspire more effective team work
- Build an attitude of problem prevention
- Promote cost reduction
- Develop harmonious manager , supervisor and worker relationship
- Improve productivity
- Reduce downtime of machines and equipment
- Increase employee motivation
Quality Circle Course Objective
- Quality circle is small group of 6 to 12 employees doing similar work who voluntarily meet together on regular basis to identify improvements in their respective work area using proven techniques for analyzing and solving work related problems coming the way of achieving and sustaining excellence leading to mutual up lift men of employees as we as the organisation