The Definitive Guide To best quality of sales person

Qualities the Master Salesman Must Develop

The Definitive Guide To the best quality of the salesperson

There follows a list of very desirable qualities that almost any normal and reasonable person can come to possess and exercise. The list is long and perfection may be only slowly attained. Therefore, before entering into a detailed consideration of the things you would like to have your mind and body capable of doing, let’s at once enumerate those that are absolutely necessary.

Quality of salesman

1. Physical fitness is of tremendous importance for the simple reason that neither mind nor body can function well without it. Therefore, give attention to your habits of life, proper diet, healthful exercise,
and fresh air.

2. Courage must be the part of every man or woman who succeeds in any undertaking, especially that of selling in these trying times of intense competition after a devastating period of depression and

3. Imagination is an absolute requirement of a successful salesman. He must
anticipate situations and even objections on the part of his prospective customer. He must have such a lively imagination to enable its operation to place him in a sympathetic understanding with the position, needs, and objectives of his customer. He must almost literally stand in the other man’s shoes. This takes real imagination.

4. Speech. The tone of voice must be pleasing. A high-pitched squeaky voice is irritating. Words half-swallowed are hard to understand. Speak distinctly and enunciate clearly. A meek voice indicates a weak
person. A firm, clean-cut, clear voice that moves with assurance and color, indicates an aggressive person with enthusiasm and aggressiveness.

5. Hard work is the only thing that will turn sales training and ability into money. No amount of good health, courage, or imagination is worth a dime unless it is put to work; and the amount of pay a salesman gets is
usually fixed by the amount of very hard, intelligent work that he actually puts out. Many people sidestep this factor of success.  Knowledge of the merchandise he sells. The supersalesman analyzes carefully the merchandise or service that he sells and understands thoroughly every advantage that it embraces because he knows that no salesman can sell successfully that which he, himself, does not understand and believe in.

7. Belief in the merchandise or service. The supersalesman never tries to sell anything in which he does not have implicit confidence because he knows that his mind will broadcast his lack of confidence to the
the mind of the prospective buyer, regardless of what he may say about his wares.

8. Appropriateness of merchandise. The supersalesman analyzes both his prospective buyer and his needs and offers him only that which is appropriate to both. He never tries to sell a Rolls Royce to a man who
ought to purchase a Ford, even if the prospective buyer is financially able to buy the more expensive car. He knows a bad bargain for the buyer is a worse bargain for the seller! Value is given. The supersalesman never tries to get more for his wares than they are actually worth, realizing that the sustained confidence
and goodwill of his prospective buyer is worth more than a long profit on a single sale.

10. Knowledge of the prospective buyer. The supersalesman is a character
analyst. He has the ability to ascertain, from his prospective buyer, which of the nine basic motives he will respond to most freely, and he builds his sales presentation around those motives. Moreover, if his
prospective buyer has no outstanding motive for buying, the supersalesman creates one for him, knowing that a motive is essential in closing a sale.
11. Qualifying the prospective buyer. The supersalesman never tries to make a sale until he has properly qualified the prospective buyer, thereby informing himself, in advance of his efforts to close a sale, on
the following points:

a. The prospective buyer’s financial capacity to purchase.
b. His need for that which is being offered for sale.
c. His motive in making the purchase.
Endeavoring to make sales without first qualifying the prospective
buyer is a mistake that stands at the head of the list of causes of
‘‘no sale.’’
12. Ability to neutralize the mind of the buyer. The supersalesman knows that no sale can be made until the mind of the prospective buyer has been neutralized or made receptive. Because he knows this, he will
not endeavor to close a sale until he has opened the mind of the buyerand prepared it as a background or base upon which he may put together the word-mosaic of his story. This is the point where many
salesmen fail.
13. Ability to close a sale. This quality in salesman helps to reach and successfully passing the closing point in selling. He trains himself to sense the psychological moment when terminal facilities may be
reached successfully. He rarely, if ever, asks the prospective buyer if he is ready to purchase. Instead, he goes on the assumption that the buyer is ready and conducts himself in conversation and general demeanor accordingly. Here he uses the power of suggestion most effectively. The supersalesman avoids trying to close a sale until he
knows in his own mind that he can close successfully. He so conducts his sales presentation that his prospective buyer believes he has done the buying.4. A pleasing personality. The supersalesman has acquired the art of
making himself agreeable to other people because he knows that the the prospective buyer must buy the salesman as well as the merchandise sells or no sale can be made

15. Showmanship. The supersalesman is also a super-showman! He has the ability to reach the mind of his prospective buyer by dramatizing his presentation and by giving it color sufficient to arouse intense
interest through an appeal to the prospective buyer’s imagination. 16. Self–control. The supersalesman has and exercises complete control over his head and his heart, at all times, knowing that if he does not
control himself, he cannot control his prospective buyer.

17. Initiative. The supersalesman understands the value and uses the principle, of the initiative. He never has to be told what to do or how to do it. Having a keen imagination, he uses it and creates plans that he
translates into action through his initiative. He needs but little supervision and, generally speaking, is given none.

18. Tolerance. The supersalesman is open-minded and tolerant on all subjects, knowing as he does that open-mindedness is essential for growth.

19. Accurate thinking. The supersalesman thinks! Moreover, he takes the time and goes to the trouble to gather facts as the basis of his thinking.He does no guessing when facts are available. He has no set or immovable opinions that are not based upon what he knows to be facts.

20. Persistence. The supersalesman is never influenced by the word ‘‘no’’ and he does not recognize the word ‘‘impossible.’’ To him all things are possible of achievement. The word ‘‘no’’ to the super salesman is
nothing more than a signal to begin his sales presentation in earnest. He knows that all buyers take the line of least resistance by the ‘‘no’’ alibi. Because he has this knowledge, he is not susceptible
to negative influence by sales resistance.

21. Faith. The supersalesman has the capacity for ‘‘super-faith’’ in:
a. The thing he is selling
b. Himself
c. His prospective buyer
d. Closing the sale

22. The habit of observation. The supersalesman is a close observer of small details. Every word uttered by the prospective buyer, every change official expression, every movement is observed and its significance
weighed accurately. The supersalesman not only observes and analyzes accurately all that his prospective buyer does and says, but he also makes deductions from that which he does not do or say. Nothing
escapes the supersalesman’s attention!

23. The habit of rendering more service than is expected of him. The super salesman follows the habit of rendering service that is greater in quantity and finer in quality than he is expected to render, thereby profiting by the law of increasing returns as well as by the law of contrast.

24. Profiting by failures and mistakes. The supersalesman experiences no such contingent as lost effort. He profits by all of his mistakes and, through observation, by the mistakes of others. He knows that in
every failure and mistake may be found (if analyzed) the seed of an equivalent success!

25. The mastermind. The supersalesman understands and applies the
‘‘mastermind’’ principle, through which he greatly multiplies his
power to achieve.

26. A definite major aim. The supersalesman works always with a definite
sales quota, or goal, in mind. He never goes at his work merely with
the aim of selling all he can. He not only works with a definite goal in
mind, but he has a definite time in which to attain the object of that

27. The Golden Rule applied. The supersalesman uses the Golden Rule as
the foundation of all his business transactions, putting himself in the
other man’s shoes and seeing the situation from his viewpoint. This
quality will be a greater necessity in the future than it has been in the
past because of the changes in business ethics that have taken place as
the result of the Business Depression.


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