14 ways to improve Self-Discipline

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Whether you’re trying to lose weight or concentrate harder of work, a healthy dose of self-discipline is what you need most.With a strong strategy and tips for when temptation arises, you’ll reach success in no time.

Plan For Success and..

Start on a Monday

Researchers found that setting a date or event to mark the start of a new regimen can make you more likely to follow through on your goals.

Write down your reasons for self-discipline

Affirmation strengthens self-control by focusing on higher values rather than on immediate impulses.

Visualize how you will benefit from your own efforts.

Studies have shown that your will power lasts longer if you motivate yourself with the positive effects of your self-control.

Prepare a plan of what you’ll say and do if temptation arises.

This is a proven technique taken from self-regulation strategies.For example,”If someone offers me desserts, then I’ll ask for fruit.”

Combine something you want to do with something you need to do.

A published study from Management Science found this forms good habits by pairing a “should” behavior with a “want” behavior.

Hide temptations in hard to reach places.

Tests have repeatedly shown that hiding candy from view makes you more likely to resist indulging.

Set an alarm for bedtime to get a full eight-hour of sleep

Sleep deprivation can impair the way your prefrontal cortex works, which is the part of your brain where self-regulation takes place.

Ask friends to keep an eye out for bad habits you fall easily into.

One study showed you’re better at self-control when given repeated reminders.

When Temptation Arises…

Weigh all your options before making a decision

Psychology Today states that making an instant decision can result in poorer choices.

Drink hot water, lemon and a table spoon of honey.

Science shows that a fall in willpower can be tied to lower glucose levels.

Avoid drinking alcohol

Research shows alcohol can compromise self-discipline by reducing your ability to reflect on the consequences of your actions.

Use Visual reminders

Data shows that leaving meaningful cues around your home can remind you to stay strong.For example,post-it-notes on your bathroom mirror can help remind you af your goal.

Surround yourself with self-disciplined people

Research has shown that undisciplined people wishing to improve gravitate towards people with more self-control – these people can form an effective support group.

And Remember…

Make sure your self-discipline is for you and not someone else

Studies show your will power is depleted when you try to please others instead of focusing on your own goals and desires.

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